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Display text for show information, description, and others texts.

import { Text } from '@redshank/native';


You can display an Text

Text Align

Align text options

Max Lines

Use the lines prop for to set the number of lines of text to

Text Utilities

Displays a list of options to play


Text Props

More props in Text props from React Native

AttributeTypeAccepted valuesDescriptionDefault
alignstringAlignAlign title textleft
childrenstring ReactNodeanyAccessory as a child for the component-
containerStyleobjectStyleProp<ViewStyle>Style for wrapper text-
boldbooleantrue falseMake text bold-
colorThemeColor stringThemeColorChange icon colortext
fontWeightnumber bold normal100 to 900Weight property-
italicbooleantrue falseMake text italicfalse
linesnumbernumberNumber of lines you want to show on the screen-
lineHeightnumbernumberLine height property-
marginnumber stringnumber stringElement margin-
marginBottomnumber stringnumber stringElement margin bottom-
marginHorizontalnumber stringnumber stringElement margin horizontal, left and right-
marginVerticalnumber stringnumber stringElement margin vertical, top and bottom-
marginTopnumber stringnumber stringElement margin top-
readMorebooleantrue falseShows a small message to show the rest of the content, it works in conjunction with lines prop-
readMoreButtonPropsobjectButtonPropsExtra properties that can be passed to the read more/less GoogleButton-
styleobjectStyleProp<ViewStyle>Style text-
textLessMorestringstringText for text to display when readMore is true and text state NOT is collapsednone
textReadMorestringstringText for text to display when readMore is true and text state NOT is collapsednone
transformstringTransformTransform title textnone
underlinebooleantrue falseUnderline style-


type AlignType = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify';


type TransformType = 'none' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'capitalize';


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